Prof. Dr. Ing. Ivana Kolingerova
Address: Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of West Bohemia, Technická 8, 306 14 Plzen, Czech Republic, office UC306, tel.420-37763-2433
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Teaching at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen - information for students
Teaching at the Charles University in Prague - information for students
Specialization :
geometric models and algorithms, computer graphics, applied computational geometry
Research topics :
- Symmetry
- Algorithms for geo data processing
Qualification :
- 1987 - Ing. - Electrotechnical faculty, VSSE Pilsen - specialization Electronical computers (normal study) + branch CAD systems (extra study)
- 1994 - Dr. - Faculty of applied sciences, UWB Pilsen - specialization Informatics and computer science , the supervisor of my PhD studies: Prof. ing. Vaclav Skala, CSc.
- 2000 - Doc. - University of West Bohemia, Pilsen - specialization Informatics and computer science
- 2010 - Prof. - University of West Bohemia, Pilsen - specialization Informatics and computer science
Teaching :
- Selected algorithmical methods - lectures and exercises
- Programming strategies - lectures and exercises
- Beauties of computer graphics - lectures and exercises
My current PhD students :
Former PhD students:
Awarded students:
- In case GDRP allows I will put it back :-(
Projects :
- Generalized Symmetries and Equivalences of Geometric Data, investor: Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), project code: 21-08009K, partner institution: Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciencem University of Maribor, Slovenia, period: 2021-24
- Methods of Identification and Visualization of Tunnels for Flexible Ligands in Dynamic Proteins, investor: Czech Science Foundation (GAČR), project code: 17-07690S, partner institutions: Masaryk University, Czech Technical University, period: 2017-19
- INGEM – Interactive Gemetric Models for Simulation of Natural Phenomena and Crowds, investor: Ministry of Education, Czech Republic,
project code: LH11006, partner institution: Purdue University, U.S.A., period: 2011-13
- Analysis and Visualization of Protein Structures, investor: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, project code: 202/10/1435,
project leader: Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, period: 2010-2012
- Triangulated Models for Haptic and Virtual Reality, investor: Grant Agency of the Czech Republic, project code: 201/09/0097,
partner institution: Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, period: 2009-2011
- MONA – Modeling of Natural Phenomena Using Computational Geometry, investor: Ministry of Education, Czech Republic,
project code: ME09051, partner institution: Purdue University, U.S.A., period: 2009-10
- Laboratory for Education in Computer Graphics and its Applications, investor: Ministry of Education, Czech Republic,
project code: FR 2279/03/A, period: 2003
- Algorithms of Applied Computational Geometry, investor: Ministry of Education, Czech Republic –
KONTAKT - AIP, project code: KONTAKT 16-2003-04, partner institution: University of Maribor, Slovenia, period: 2003-2004
- Bilateral Cooperation in Computational Geometry Research for Visualization, investor: Ministry of Education,
Czech Republic – KONTAKT - AIP, project code: KONTAKT 5/2005-06, partner institution: University of Maribor, Slovenia, period: 2005-2006
- Preparation of Future Cooperation in the Field - External Memory Simplicial Complexes for Web Graphics
and Virtual Reality, investor: Ministry of Education, Czech Republic – AKTION, project code: 35p27,
partner institution: University of Graz, Austria, period: 2003
- Bilateral Research Cooperation in the Geometric Models Construction and Visualization for Virtual Habitat
and Virtual Archeology, investor: Ministry of Education, Czech Republic – AKTION, project code: 36p9,
partner institution: University of Graz, Austria, period: 2003-2004
Editorial boards and IPCs
- Machine Graphics and Vision, international scientific journal edited by the Polish Academy of Sciences
- LNCS Transactions on Computational Science, Springer Verlag
- SCCG - Spring Conference on Computer Graphics, Slovakia
- 3IA - International Conference on Computer Graphics and Artificial Intelligence, France and Greece
- CGA - International Workshop on Computational Geometry and Applications
- ISVD - International Symposium on Voronoi Diagrams in Science and Engineering
- CESCG – Central European Seminar on Computer Graphics for Students, international students seminar
- ICCVG - International Conference on Computer Vision and Graphics
Selected publications in the last 5 years :
- Hruda L., Kolingerová I., and Váša L.: Robust, fast and flexible symmetry plane detection based on differentiable symmetry measure. Visual Computer, January 2021,
- Vomáčka T., Kolingerová I., Maňák M.: Kinetic Locally Minimal Triangulation: Theoretical Evaluation and Combinatorial Analysis, Visual Computer, Vol. 36, No.4, pp. 757-765, 2020,
- Kolovský F., Ježek J., Kolingerová I.: The ε-approximation of the Time-Dependent Shortest Path Problem Solution for All Departure Times, ISPRS International Journal of Ge-Information, 8(12):538, Multidiciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2019
- Szkandera, J., Kaas, O., Kolingerová, I.: Clustering Approach to Path Planning for Big Groups, International Journal of Data Warehousing and Mining, Vol. 15, Issue 2, pp. 42-61, 2019
- Maňák M., Zemek M., Szkandera J., Kolingerová I., Papaleoc E.,Lambrughi C.: Hybrid Voronoi Diagrams, Their Computation and Reduction for Applications in Computational Biochemistry, Journal of Molecular Graphics and Modelling 74 (2017), 225-233, Elsevier,
- Váša L., Vaněček P., Prantl M., Skorkovská V., Martínek P., Kolingerová I.: Mesh Statistics for Robust Curvature Estimation, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.35, No.5, pp. 271-280, 2016
- Maňák M., Jirkovský L., Kolingerová I.: Interactive Analysis of Connolly Surfaces for Various Probes, Computer Graphics Forum, 2016
- Skorkovská V., Kolingerová I.: Complex multi-material approach for dynamic simulations, Computers & Graphics, Vol. 56, May 2016, pp.11-19
- Ferko A., Moravčík J., Kolingerová I.: Souhvězdí jako podgrafy triangulací, Pokroky matematiky, Fyziky a astronomie Vol. 61, No.1, 2016, pp.14-20
Some presentations (in Czech)
On Creativity
On Scientific Writing
On Presentations
More information :
Centre of Computer Graphics and Data Visualization home page
Department of Computer Science and Engineering home page
Last modification : 30.9.2021