List of Publications & Presentations


with DRAFT versions of available papers

[If the paper is not available, please, send me an e-mail with the paper title you require]


Prof.Ing.Václav Skala, CSc.

c/o Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering

Faculty of Applied Sciences, University of West Bohemia

Univerzitni 8, CZ 306 14 Pilsen(Plzen), Czech Republic

Tel. +420-37-783-2473, 2401 (secretary)


ORCID: 0000-0001-8886-4281

ResearcherID: F-9141-2011,

Scopus Author ID: 7004643209,

Research Gate:



BibTEX records can be found via Scopus or DBLP Bibliography


If a paper is not available use DOI.ORG  and insert DOI identifier of the paper


Last update: 2025-03-08


Please, see also the MESHLESS specialized list of publications

List of publications related to MESHLESS methods and Approximation Methods



arXiv DOI: arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.<arxiv doi>


--- 2025 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Polynomial multiplication C(x) = A(x)*B(x) using tables: An alternative approach in teaching mathematics, accepted on [2024-08-16]
Mathematics in School ISSN 0305-7259,, NO SCOPUS / WoS –
file: adresar Publications-2023
[PDF Draft]



2.        Xxxx


--- 2024 ---


1.        Skala,V.: A New Projective Point in Convex Polygon Test with O(lg N) Complexity,
Informatics 2024, IEEE conference, Poprad, Slovakia, pp.349-354, 2024
DOI: 10.1109/Informatics62280.2024.10900927
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

2.        Skala,V.: A New Fully Projective O(log N) Point in Convex Polygon Algorithm: A New Strategy,
The Visual Computer,
ISSN 0178-2789, e-ISSN 1432-2315,
Vol.xx, No.xx, November 2024, IF = 3.5 (2023), Q2
Springer Verlag, online [2021-11-29]
DOI: 10.1007/s00371-024-03693-9
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

3.        Skala,V.: A New Fully Projective O(lg N) Line Convex Polygon Intersection Algorithm,
The Visual Computer, ISSN 0178-2789, e-ISSN 1432-2315,
Vol.xx, No.xx, 2024, IF = 3.5 (2022), Q2
Springer Verlag, accepted on April 7, 2024, online via
DOI: 10.1007/s00371-024-03413-3 
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

4.        Skala,V.: Robust Line-Convex Polygon Intersection Computation in E2 using Projective Space Representation,
Machine Graphics and Vision, Vol.32, No.3/4, 2023 (published 2024)
Polish Academy of Sciences, (Scopus)
1230-0535, e-ISSN 2720-250X
DOI: 10.22630/MGV.2023.32.3.1
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

5.        Skala,V.: A New Highly Efficient Preprocessing Algorithm for Convex Hull, Maximum Distance and Minimal Bounding Circle in E2: Efficiency Analysis
LNCS, Vol.14833, pp.54-61, ICCS 2024, Malaga, Spain, 2024,
ISSN 0302-9743, e-ISSN 1611-3349
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-63759-9_7
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

6.        Skala,V.: Differential Equations as a Projection of Implicit Functions Using Spatio-Temporal Taylor Expansion and Critical Points Properties,
ICNAAM 2022, AIP proceedings, published 2024, pp. 400009-1 -- 400009-4, (WoS,Scopus)
DOI: 10.1063/5.0210444
[PDF Draft] [PDF on request]


--- 2023 ---

1.        Skala,V., Mourycova,E.: Meshfree Interpolation of Multidimensional Time-varying Scattered Data, Computers, MDPI, ISSN: 2073-431X,
Vol.12, No.12, article No:243, pp. 1-18, 2023,
IF=2.8 (2022), Q3
DOI: 10.3390/computers12120243
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

2.        Skala,V.: Multispectral images generation from RGB based on WSL color representation: Wavelength, Saturation and Lightness,
Computers, MDPI, ISSN: 2073-431X, Vol.12, No.9, article No. 182, pp. 1-12, 2023
IF=2.8 (2022), Q3
DOI: 10.3390/computers12090182
PDF online]

3.        Skala,V: A Brief Survey of Clipping and Intersection Algorithms with a List of References(including Triangle-triangle Intersection),
Informatica, ISSN  0868-4952, Vol.34, No.1, pp.169—198, 2023,
WoS, IF=2.9(2022), Q1 math, Q3 Comp.Sci.
DOI: 10.15388/23-INFOR508
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

4.        Skala,V., Martinez,A.E., Martinez,D.E., Moreno,F.H.: A New Algorithm for the Closest Pair of Points for Very large Data Sets using Exponent Bucketing and Windowing,
International Conference on Computational Science,
ICCS 2023, LNCS 14074, pp.
381–388, ISBN 978-3-031-36021-3, Springer, Switzerland, 2023,
(WoS, Scopus)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-36021-3_40,
[PDF Draft] [
PDF online]

5.        Skala,V., Bellot,T., Berault,X.: Wavelength computation from RGB,
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications,
ICCSA 2023, pp. 423-430, LNCS 13957, (Scopus)
ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-031-36808-0, Springer, Switzerland, 2023
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-36808-0_29,
[PDF Draft] [
PDF-Presentation] [PDF online]

6.        Skala,V.: Multidimensional Meshless Interpolation of Time-varying Data for Sensor Networks
International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications,
ICCSA 2023, Part I, pp. 99–112, LNCS 13956, (Scopus)
ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-031-36804-2, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2023
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-36805-9_7
[PDF Draft] [
PDF-Presentation] [PDF online]


--- 2022 ---

1.        Skala,V., Cerny,M., Saleh,J.Y. : Simple and Efficient Acceleration of the Smallest Enclosing Ball for Large Data Sets in E2: Analysis and Comparative Results
Computational Science, ICCS2022 conference, London, U.K., pp.720-733, LNCS 13350, Part I, Springer Nature, Switzerland, 2022    (WoS, Scopus, CORE A)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-08751-6_52
PDF Draft][Presentation]

2.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Efficient Speed-up of Smallest Enclosing Circle Algorithm, Informatica, Vol.33, No.1, pp.622-623, ISSN 0868-4952, 2022
(WoS, IF=3.429(2021), Q1 math, Q2 Comp.Sci.)
DOI: 10.15388/22-INFOR477

[PDF Draft][online]

3.        Skala,V.: Critical Points Properties of Ordinary Differential Equations as a Projection of Implicit Functions Using Spatio-Temporal Taylor Expansion,
13376, pp.197-204, ISBN 978-3-031-10449-7, Springer, 2022
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10450-3_15
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V. A novel, fast and robust triangular mesh reconstruction from a wire-frame 3D model with holes for CAD/CAM systems,
ICCSA 2022, LNCS 13375, pp. 399-411, 2022, ISBN 978-3-031-10522-7, Springer, 2022
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10522-7_28
PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V.: Hermite Parametric Bicubic Patch Defined by the Tensor Product,
ICCSA 2022, LNCS 13376, pp.228-235, ISBN 978-3-031-10449-7, Springer, 2022
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-031-10450-3_18
PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V.: Geometric Transformations and  Tensor Product
SAMI 2022, 2022 IEEE 20th Jubilee World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics (SAMI), pp.437-442, IEEE, Poprad, Slovakia, 2022  (WoS, Scopus)
DOI: 10.1109/SAMI54271.2022.9780728
PDF Draft][online]

7.        Skala,V.: Clipping and Intersection Algorithms: Short Survey and References,
ArXiv, 2022
DOI: N/A, arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2206.13216
PDF Draft]

8.        Skala,V,: Projective Geometric Algebra – Barycentric and Plucker coordinates Computation, MITAV 2022 proceedings, pp. 77-88, University of Defence, Brno, Czech Republic, ISBN 978-80-7582-185-0, 2022
PDF Draft][PDF online]

9.        Skala,V.: Barycentric and Plucker coordinates using projective Geometry algebra
Mathematics, Information Technologies, and Applied Sciences - MITAV 2022,
Conference Extendd Abstracts, University of Defence, Brno, pp.1-13, ISBN 978-80-7582-456-1, 2022
PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V: Radial Basis Functions: Meshless Interpolation and Approximation Methods,
Keynote at EECSS 2022 - 8th World Congress on Electrical Engineering and Computer Systems and Science, Prague, July 28-30, 2022

11.     Skala,V: Algorithm for Finding an Exact Maximum Distance in E2 with Oexp(N) Complexity: Analysis and Experimental Results, 2022
arXiv DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2209.01543
PFD Draft]

12.     Skala,V.: Solution of Linear Systems of Equations Ax=b and Ax=0 using Unifying Approach with Geometric Algebra: Outer Product Application and Angular Conditionality,
DOI 10.48550/ARXIV.2212.12297
PDF Draft] [PDF online-arXiv]




13.     Skala,V.: Meshless Interpolation of Time-Varying Data for Sensor Networks,
Modeling and simulation for autonomous systems, MESAS 2022, Future Forces Forum, Prague, 2022

14.     Skala,V., Singh,T.P., Choudhury,T., Tomar,R., Bashar,Md.A.(Editors): Machine Intelligence and Data Science Applications, Proceedings of MIDAS 2021,
ISSN 2367-4512, ISBN 978-981-19-2346-3, Springer, 2022
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-19-2347-0

15.     Kacerekova,Z.: Comparing Interpolations Using Standard and Normalized Radial Basis Functions (supervisor Skala,V.),
Informatics 2022, Poprad, IEEE, pp.149-154, 2022, ISBN 979-8-3503-1034-7
DOI: 10.1109/Informatics57926.2022.10083406.

16.     Konig,A.: Analysing the Properties of Hierarchical RBFs for Interpolation, (supervisor Skala,V.),
Informatics 2022, Poprad, IEEE, pp.155-162, 2022, ISBN 979-8-3503-1034-7


--- 2021 ---

1.        Skala,V.: A Novel Line Convex Polygon Clipping Algorithm in E2 with Parallel Processing Modification, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.), ICCSA 2021 proceedings, Part V, LNCS Vol.12953, pp.3-15, Springer, 2021
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86976-2_1
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: A New Coding Scheme for Line Segment Clipping in E2, O. Gervasi et al. (Eds.), ICCSA 2021 proceedings, Part V, LNCS Vol.12953, pp.16-29, Springer, 2021
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-86976-2_2
PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: Efficient Taylor expansion computation of multidimensional vector functions on GPU, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, Vol.54, pp.83-95, ISSN 1787-5021, 2021, (WoS, Scopus)
DOI: 10.33039/ami.2021.03.004
PDF Draft] [on-line]

4.        Skala,V., Kansa,E.: Why Is the Least Square Error Method Dangerous?
Computacion y Sistemas journal, ISSN 1405-5546, Vol.25, No.1, pp.149-151, 2021,  (WoS, Scopus)
DOI: 10.13053/CyS-25-1-3473
PDF Draft] [on-line]

5.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Radial Basis Function and Multi-level 2D Vector Field Approximation, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, ISSN: 0378-4754, Vol.181, No.3, pp.522-538, IF=1.409, JIF=3.601, 2021 (WoS, Scopus)
DOI: 10.1016/j.matcom.2020.10.009
PDF Draft][PDF-online]

6.        Skala,V.: Efficient Intersection Computation of the Bézier and Hermite Curves with Axis Aligned Bounding Box, WSEAS Trans. On Systems and Control, pp.320-323, Vol.20, Art.#36, December 2021, ISSN: 1109-2777, E-ISSN: 2224-2678, 2021 (Scopus)
DOI: 10.37394/23202.2021.20.36
PDF Draft] [PDF online]

7.        Kansa,E.J., Skala,V., Holoborrodko,P.: Extremely accurate solutions using block decomposition and extended precision for solving very ill-conditioned equations, pp.270-274, Proceedings of the 12. International Conference on Computational Methods (ICCM 2021) July 4-8, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, Vol.8, ISSN 2374-3948, Scientech Publisher LLC, USA, 2021
(proceedings -
[PDF Draft] [

8.        Skala,V.: Geometry algebra and conditionality of linear system of equations, SNA’21-Seminar on Numerical Analysis, pp.73-77, ISBN 978-80-86407-82-1, Institute of Geonics of the Czech Academy of Sciences, Ostrava, 2021
PDF Draft]




9.        Kansa,E., Skala,V., Holoborodko,P.: Block Gaussian elimination methods applied to the full Hilbert equation systems, Invited paper (presented by Kansa,E.)
BEM/MRM 44, 44th International Conference on Boundary Elements and other Mesh Reduction Methods, 15–17 June 2021
[PDF Draft][
on-line presentation]


--- 2020 ---

1.        Skala,V.: Optimized Line and Line Segment Clipping in E2 and Geometric Algebra, Annales Mathematicae et Informaticae, Vol.52, pp.199-215, ISSN 1787-5021, 2020 (WoS, Scopus)
DOI: 10.33039/ami.2020.05.001
PDF Draft] [PDF-online]

2.        Yasin,M.I., Karim, S.A.A., Ismail,M.T., Skala,V.: Fuzzy Regression Model to Predict Daily Global Solar Radiation, pp.1-18, In: Karim S., Abdullah M., Kannan R. (Eds) Practical Examples of Energy Optimization Models. Springer Briefs in Energy (BOOK),
ISBN 978-981-15-2199-7, Springer, Singapore, 2020 (Scopus)
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-2199-7_1
[PDF Draft-not available][
PDF on-line]

3.        Skala,V., Karim,S.A.A, Kadir,E.A.: Scientific Computing and Computer Graphics with GPU: Application of Projective Geometry and Principle of Duality, International Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science, Vol.15, No.3, pp.769-777, WOS:000573793400001, ISSN 1814-0424, 2020 (WoS, Scopus), IF=0.6,
PDF Draft] [PDF on line]

4.        Karim,S.A., Saaban,A., Skala,V., Ghaffar,A., Nisar,K.S., Baleanu,D.: Construction of New Cubic Bézier-Like Triangular Patches with Application in Scattered Data Interpolation, Advances in Difference Equations, ISSN 1687-1847, IF=1.510, Vol.151, pp.1-22, Springer Open, U.K., 2020 (WoS, Scopus)
DOI: 10.1186/s13662-020-02598-w
PDF on line]

5.        Skala,V., Karim,S., Cervenka,M.: Finding Points of Importance for Radial Basis Function Approximation of Large Scattered Data, Computational Science - ICCS 2020, Part VI, LNCS 12142, pp. 239–250, Springer, 2020. (WoS, Scopus, CORE A)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50433-5_19
PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V., Karim,S., Zabran,M.: Radial Basis Function Approximation Optimal Shape Parameters Estimation, Computational Science-ICCS 2020, Part VI, LNCS 12142, pp.309-317, Springer, 2020. (WoS, Scopus, CORE A)
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-50433-5_24
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V.: Conditionality of Linear Systems of Equations and Matrices Using Projective Geometric Algebra, ICCSA 2020 proceedings, Part II, LNCS 12250, pp. 3-17, Springer, 2020
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58802-1_1
PDF Draft]

8.        Cervenka,M., Skala,V.: Conditionality Analysis of the Radial Basis Function Matrix, ICCSA 2020 proceedings, Part II, LNCS, pp. 30-43, Springer, 2020
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58802-1_3
PDF Draft]

9.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Efficient Speed-up of Radial Basis Functions Approximation and Interpolation Formula Evaluation, ICCSA 2020 proceedings, Part I, pp.165-176, LNCS 12249, 12250, Springer, 2020
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58799-4_12
PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V.: Diameter and Convex Hull of Points Using Space Subdivision in E2 and E3,
ICCSA 2020 proceedings, Part I, pp.286-295, LNCS 12249, Springer, 2020
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-58799-4_21
PDF Draft]

11.     Cervenka,M., Skala,V.: Behavioral Study of Various Radial Basis Functions for Approximation and Interpolation Purposes, IEEE 18th World Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics, SAMI 2020, pp.135-140, ISBN 978-1-728131-504,  Slovakia, 2020 (Scopus)
DOI: 10.1109/SAMI48414.2020.9108712
PDF Draft]


--- 2019 ---

1.        Majdisova,Z., Skala,V., Smolik,M.: Algorithm for Placement of Reference Points and Choice of an Appropriate Variable Shape Parameter for the RBF Approximation, Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering, Vol.27, No.1, pp.1-15, ISSN 1069-2509, IOS Press, IF=4.902, 2020
DOI: 10.3233/ICA-190610
PDF Draft]

2.        Karim,S.A.A., Saaban,A., Skala,V.: Range-Restricted Surface Interpolation Using Rational Bi-Cubic Spline Functions with 12 Parameters, IEEE Access, ISSN:2169-3536, IF=4.098, Vol.7, pp.104992-105006, IEEE, 2019
DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2931454
PDF-File] [PDF at IEEE Link]

3.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Efficient simple large scattered 3D vector fields Radial basis function approximation using space subdivision, Computational Science and Its Application, ICCSA 2019 proceedings, Part I, LNCS 11619, pp.337-350, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-030-24288-6, Springer, 2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24289-3_25
PDF Draft]

4.        Cervenka,M., Smolik,M., Skala,V.: A New Strategy for Scattered Data Approximation Using Radial Basis Functions Representing Points of Inflection, Computational Science and Its Application, ICSSA 2019 proceedings, Part I, LNCS 11619, pp.322-226, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-030-24288-6, Springer, 2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24289-3_24
PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V., Smolik,M.: Simple and Fast Oexp(N) Algorithm for Finding an Exact Maximum Distance in E2 Instead of O(N2) or O(N lgN), Computational Science and Its Application, ICSSA 2019 proceedings, Part I, LNCS 11619, pp.367-382, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-030-24288-6, Springer, 2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-24289-3_27
PDF Draft]

6.        Ali,F.A.M, Karim,S.A.A., Dass,S.Ch., Skala,V., Hasan,M.K., Hashim,I.: Efficient Visualization of Scattered Energy Distribution Data by Using Cubic Timmer Triangular Patches, in Energy Efficiency in Mobility Systems (Ed. Sulaiman,S.A.) (BOOK), pp.145-180, ISBN: 978-981-15-0101-2, Springer, 2019
DOI: 10.1007/978-981-15-0102-9_8
PDF Draft-not available][

7.        Smolik,M., Skala,V., Majdisova,Z.: 3D Vector Field Approximation  and Critical Points Reduction Using Radial Basis Functions, International Journal of Mechanics of NAUN, Vol.13, pp. 100-103, ISSN: 1998-4448, 2019
[PDF Draft]

8.        Ali,F.A.M., Karim,S.A.A., Dass,S.C., Skala,V., Saaban,A., Hasan,M.K., Hashim,I.: New Cubic Timmer Triangular patches with C1 and G1 Continuity, Journal Teknologi, ISSN 2180-3722, Vol.81, No.6, pp.1-11, 2019
DOI: 10.11113/jt.v81.13759
[PDF Draft] [
PDF journal-on-line]

9.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Reconstruction of Corrupted Vector Fields using Radial Basis Functions, pp.363-368, Informatics 2019, IEEE proceedings, ISBN 978-1-7281-3178-8, Poprad, Slovakia, 2019
DOI: 10.1109/Informatics47936.2019.9119297
PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V., Cervenka,M.: Novel RBF Approximation Method Based on Geometrical Properties for Signal Processing with a New RBF Function: Experimental Comparison, pp.357-362, Informatics 2019, IEEE proceedings, ISBN 978-1-7281-3178-8, Poprad, Slovakia, 2019
DOI: 10.1109/Informatics47936.2019.9119276
PDF Draft]

11.     Vasta,J., Skala,V., Smolik,M., Cervenka,M: Modified Radial Basis Functions Approximation Respecting Data Local Features pp.445-449, Informatics 2019, IEEE proceedings, ISBN 978-1-7281-3178-8, Poprad, Slovakia, 2019
DOI: 10.1109/Informatics47936.2019.9119330
PDF Draft]

12.     Ali,F.A.M., Karim,S.A.A.,Dass,S.C., Skala,V., Saaban,A., Hasan,M.K., Hashim,I.: Visualizing the Energy of Scattered Data by Using Cubic Timmer Triangular Patches,
2nd Int.Conf.on Applied and Industrial Mathematics and Statistics 2019 (ICoAIMS 2019), J. of Physics, Vol. 1366, No.1, pp.1-12, 2019
PDF Draft] [PDF on-line]


--- 2018 ---

1.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Large Scattered Data Interpolation with Radial Basis Functions and Space Subdivision, Integrated Computer Aided Engineering, Vol.25, No.1, pp.49-62, ISSN 1069-2509, IOS Press, IF=5.264, 2018
DOI: 10.3233/ICA-170556
PDF Draft]

2.        Smolik, M., Skala, V., Majdisova, Z.: Vector Field Radial Basis Function Approximation, Advances in Engineering Software, Vol.123, pp.117-129, ISSN 0965-9978, Elsevier, September 2018, IF=3.198, 2018
PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V., Smolik,M.: A New Approach to Vector Field Interpolation, Classification and Robust Critical Points Detection Using Radial Basis Functions, in Cybernetics and Algorithms in Intelligent Systems, Springer, 2018
PDF Draft]

4.        Majdisova, Z., Skala, V., Smolik, M.: Determination of Stationary Points and Their Bindings in Dataset using RBF Methods, 2nd Computational Methods in Systems and Software (CoMeSySo), pp. 213-224, ISBN 978-3-030-00210-7, Springer, 2018
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-00211-4_20, arXiv DOI: arXiv.1809.01847
PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V., Smolik,M.: A New Formulation of Plücker Coordinates Using Projective Representation, 5th Int.Conf. on Mathematics and Computers in Science and Industry, IEEE Proceedings, MCSI 2018, Corfu Greece, ISBN 978-1-5386-7500-7/19, pp.52-55, Corfu Greece, 2019
DOI: 10.1109/MCSI.2018.00020,
PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V., Smolik,M., Majdisova,Z.: A New Simple, Fast and Robust Total Least Square Error Computation in E2, Int.Conf. on Advanced Engineering, AETA 2018, pp.325-334, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 554, Ostrava, Springer, 2018
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-14907-9_32,
PDF Draft]

7.        Majdisova,Z., Skala,V., Smolik,M.: Incremental meshfree approximation of real geographics data, 3rd Conf. on Applied Physics, System Science and Computers, APSAC 2018, pp.222-228, ISBN 978-3-030-21506-4, Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 574, Dubrovnik, Springer, 2018
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-21507-1_32
PDF Draft]

8.        Skala,V.: Geometric Algebra, Extended Cross-product and Laplace Transform for Multidimensional Dynamical Systems, Cybernetics Approaches in Intelligent Systems, Computational Methods in System and Software 2017 (CoMeSySo), Vol.1,pp.62-75, ISSN 2194-5357, Springer, 2018
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-67618-0_7
PDF Draft]

9.        Skala,V.: RBF Approximation of Big Data Sets with Large Span of Data, MCSI 2017 – Corfu, IEEE, pp. 212-218, 2018
DOI: 10.1109/MCSI.2017.44
PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V., Smolik,M, Martynova,M.: Geometric Product for Multidimensional Dynamical Systems - Laplace Transform and Geometric Algebra, EECS 2018 conference, IEEE proceedings, pp.45-49, Bern, Switzerland, ISBN -13: 978-1-7281-1929-8, 2019
DOI 10.1109/EECS.2018.00018
PDF Draft]


--- 2017 ---

1.        Skala,V.: Least Square Error Method Robustness of Computation: What is not usually considered and taught, FedCSIS 2017, pp.537-541, ISBN 978-83-946253-9-9, ISSN 2300-5963, IEEE, 2017
DOI: 10.15439/2017F7
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: RBF Interpolation with CSRBF of Large Data Sets, ICCS 2017, Proceedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 108, pp. 2433-2437, 2017. (WoS, Scopus, CORE A)
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.081
PDF Draft]

3.        Majdisova, Z., Skala, V.: Big Geo Data Surface Approximation using Radial Basis Functions: A Comparative Study, Computers and Geosciences, ISSN 0098-3004,
Vol.109, pp.51-58, IF=2.721, Elsevier, 2017
10.1016/j.cageo.2017.08.007, arXiv DOI: arXiv.1806.07884
PDF Draft]

4.        Majdisova, Z., Skala, V.: Radial basis function approximations: comparison and applications, Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol.51, pp.728-743, ISSN 0307-904X, Elsevier, November 2017, IF=2.841, 2017
DOI:10.1016/j.apm.2017.07.033, arXiv DOI: arXiv.1806.07705
[PDF Draft]

5.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Classification of Critical Points Using a Second Order Derivative, ICCS 2017, Procedia Computer Science, Elsevier, Vol. 108, pp. 2373-2377, 2017 (WoS, Scopus, CORE A)
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2017.05.271.
PDF Draft]

6.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Vector Field Second Order Derivative Approximation and Geometrical Characteristics, ICCSA 2017 Conf., LNCS, Vol.10404, pp.148-158, Springer, 2017
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V.: Projective Geometry, Duality and Plücker Coordinates for Geometric Computations with Determinants on GPUs, ICNAAM 2016, AIP Conf. Proc. 1863, pp.560001-560004, 2017
DOI: 10.1063/1.4992684, arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2208.03674

8.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Spherical RBF Vector Field Interpolation: Experimental Study, International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics SAMI 2017, IEEE proceedings, pp.431-434, ISBN 978-1-8090-5655-2, 2017,
[PDF Draft]

9.        Skala,V.: High Dimensional and Large Span Data Least Square Error: Numerical Stability and Conditionality, International Journal of Applied Physics and Mathematics, Vol.7., No.3., pp.148-156, ISSN 2010-362X, IAP, California, USA, 2017
DOI: 10.17706/ijapm.2017.7.3.148-156
PDF Draft]

--- 2016 ---

1.        Skala,V., Majdisova,Z., Smolik,M.: Space Subdivision to Speed-up Convex Hull Construction in E3, Advances in Software Engineering, Vol.91 (Jan. 2016), pp.12-22, Elsevier, ISSN 0965-9978, IF=4.104, 2016,
DOI: 10.1016/j.advengsoft.2015.09.002,
arXiv DOI: arxiv.1708.02769
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: “Extended Cross-product” and Solution of a Linear System of Equations, Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2016, LNCS 9786, Vol.I, pp.18-35, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-42084-4, China, 2016

3.        Skala,V.: Fractions, Projective Representation, Duality, Linear Algebra and Geometry, SCG2016, 25th Symposium on Computer Geometry 2016, Roznov p.Radhostem, Czech Rep., pp. 171-178, ISBN 978-80-7464-874-8, 2016
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: Total Least Square Error Computation in E2: A New Simple, Fast and Robust Algorithm, CGI 2016 Proceedings, ACM, pp.1-4, Greece, 2016
DOI: 10.1145/2949035.2949036
PDF Fraft]

5.        Skala,V.: Plücker Coordinates and Extended Cross Product for Robust and Fast Intersection Computation, CGI 2016 & GACSE2016, CGI 2016 Proceedings, ACM, pp.57-60, Greece, 2016

6.        Skala,V., Smolik,M., Majdisova,Z.: Reducing the number of points on the convex hull calculation using the polar space subdivision in E2, SIBGRAPI 2016, IEEE, pp. 40-47, ISBN: 978-1-5090-3568-7, ISSN: 2377-5416, 2016
DOI: 10.1109/SIBGRAPI.2016.015
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V.: A New Robust Algorithm for Computation of a Triangle Circumscribed Sphere in E3 and a Hypersphere Simplex, ICNAAM 2015, AIP Conf. Proc.1738, pp.480033-1 - 480033-4, 2016
DOI: 10.1063/1.4952269, arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2208.03677
PDF Draft]

8.        Skala,V.: Point-in-Convex Polygon and Point-in-Convex Polyhedron Algorithms with O(1) Complexity using Space Subdivision, ICNAAM 2015, AIP Conf. Proc.1738, pp.480034-1 - 480034-4, 2016
DOI: 10.1063/1.4952270, arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2208.03682
PDF Draft]

9.        Skala,V.: A New Formulation for Total Least Square Error Method in d-dimensional Space with Mapping to a Parametric Line, ICNAAM 2015, AIP Conf. Proc.1738, pp.480106-1 - 480106-4, 2016
DOI: 10.1063/1.4952342, DOI arXiv: arXiv:2209.07949
PDF Draft]

10.     Smolik,M., Skala,V., Nedved,O.: A Comparative Study of LOWESS and RBF Approximations, Computational Science and Its Applications-ICCSA 2016, LNCS 9787, Vol.II, pp.405-444, Springer, China, 2016
10.1007/978-3-319-42108-7_31, arXiv DOI: arXiv.1801.00432
[PDF Draft]

11.     Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Vector Field Interpolation with Radial Basis Functions, SIGRAD 2016, pp.15-21, Sweden, 2016
PDF Draft]

12.     Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Vector Field RBF Interpolation on a Sphere, CGVCVIP 2016, pp.352-356, ISBN 978-989-8533-52-4, Portugal, 2016 (Scopus)
PDF Draft]

13.     Majdisova,Z., Skala,V.: A Radial Basis Function Approximation for Large Datasets,
SIGRAD 2016, pp.9-14, Sweden, 2016
DOI: N/A , arXiv DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.1806.04243
[PDF Draft]

14.     Majdisova,Z., Skala,V.: A New Radial Basis Function Approximation with Reproduction, CGVCVIP 2016, pp.215-222, ISBN 978-989-8533-52-4, Portugal, 2016 (Scopus)
DOI: N/A, arXiv DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.1804.06662
PDF Draft]

15.     Skala,V.: A Practical Use of Radial Basis Functions Interpolation and Approximation, 11th IWOR 2015, Revista Investigacion Operacional, ISSN 0257-4306, pp.137-145, Vol.37, No.2, Habana, Cuba, 2016 (Scopus)
PDF DRAFT] [online]

16.     Skala,V.: Poseidon: Non-server WEB Forms Processing System, International Journal of Computers, ISSN: 2367-8895, []
[], 2016
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2212.13398
PDF Draft]


--- 2015 ---


1.        Skala,V., Majdisova,Z.: Fast Algorithm for Finding Maximum Distance with Space Subdivision in E2, ICIG 2015 proceedings Part II, LNCS 9218, China, pp.261-274, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-319-21962-2, Springer, 2015
10.1007/978-3-319-21963-9_24, arXiv: arxiv.1708.02758
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V., Smolik,M.: A Point in Non-Convex Polygon Location Problem Using the Polar Space Subdivision in E2, ICIG 2015 proceedings Part I, LNCS 9217, China, pp.394-404, ISSN 0302-9743, ISBN 978-3-319-21977-6, Springer, 2015
PDF Draft]

3.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Highly Parallel Algorithm for Large Data In-Core and Out-Core Triangulation in E2 and E3, ICCS 2015 proceedings, Procedia Computer Science, Vol.51, pp.2613-2622, Elsevier, 2015, (WoS, Scopus, CORE A)
DOI: 10.1016/j.procs.2015.05.369
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: Meshless Interpolations for Computer Graphics, Visualization and Games: An Informal Introduction, Tutorial, Eurographics 2015, Zurich, 2015
DOI: 10.2312/egt.20151046
[PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V.: Polar, Spherical and Orthogonal Space Subdivisions for an Algorithm Acceleration: O(1) Point-in-Polygon/Polyhedron Test, Pure, Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods – PMAMCM 2015, pp.33-36, INASE, ISSN: 2227-4588, ISBN: 978-1-61804-323-8, Greece, 2015
DOI: N/A  ArXiv DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2208.12488
PDF Draft]


--- 2014 ---


1.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: Fast Parallel Triangulation Algorithms of Large Data Sets in E2 and E3 for In-Core and Out-Core Processing, ICCSA 2014 conference, ISBN 978-3-319-09128-0, pp.301-314, Springer, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09129-7_23
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V., Pan,R., Nedved,O: Making 3D replicas using a flatbed scanner and a 3D printer, ICCSA 2014, pp.76-86, ISBN 978-3-319-09152-5, Springer, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-09153-2_6
PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: A New Approach to Line-sphere and Line-Quadrics Intersection Detection and Computation, ICNAAM 2014 Conference, pp. 1-4, AIP Conf. Proc. 1648, 850003 (2015), ISBN: 978-0-7354-1287-3, Rhodos, Greece, 2014
DOI: 10.1063/1.4913058, arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2208.04728
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: GPU Fast and Robust Computation for Barycentric Coordinates and Intersection of Planes Using Projective Representation, IEEE WICT 2014 Conference, pp.34-38, ISBN 978-1-4799-8115-1, Malaysia, 2014
DOI: 10.1109/WICT.2014.7077298
PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V., Petruska,R.: A New Approach to Hash Function Construction for Textual Data: Comparison, IEEE WICT 2014 Conference, pp.39-44, ISBN 978-1-4799-8115-1, Malaysia, 2014
DOI: 10.1109/WICT.2014.7077299
PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V.: Geometric Transformations and Duality for Virtual Reality and Haptic Systems, HCI International 2014 conference, pp.642-647, ISBN 978-3-319-07856-4, Springer, 2014
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-07857-1_113
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V., Smolik,M., Karlicek,L.: HS-Patch: A New Hermite Smart Bicubic Patch Modification, NAUN Journal International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, Vol.8, pp.292-299, ISSN: 1998-0159, 2014
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2212.12859
PDF Draft][PDF arXiv]

8.        Skala,V.: Algorithms for Line and Plane Intersection with a Convex Polyhedron with O(sqrt(N)) Complexity in E3, SIGGRAPH Asia 2014, Poster, ISBN:978-1-4503-2792-3, Shenzen, China, 2014
[PDF Draft]

9.        Smolik,M., Skala,V.: In-Core and Out-Core Fast Parallel Triangulation Algorithm for Large Data Sets in E2 and E3, Poster, SIGGRAPH 2014, ISBN 978-1-4503-2958-3, Canada, 2014
DOI: 10.1145/2614217.2614223
PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V., Petrik,S.: Fast insight into time varying datasets with dynamic mesh, CSCC 2014 conference, Advances in Information Science and Applications, Vol.I,  pp. 104-109, series: Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Series, ISSN 1790-5109, ISBN 978-1-61804-236-1, Santorini, Greece, 2014
PDF Draft]

11.     Skala,V., Pan,R.: Interpolation and Projective Representation in Computer Graphics, Visualization and Games, Tutorial, Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods in Engineering - AMCME-EBA 2014, Europment, Praha, ISBN 978-1-61804-230-9, 2014
[PDF Draft]

12.     Skala,V.: Informal Introduction to Mesh Free Interpolation of Scattered Large Spatio-Temporal Data, Tutorial, Pure Mathematics, PMAMCM 2014 - Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods conference, Europment, Santorini, Greece, 2014
[PDF Draft]


--- 2013 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Fast Reconstruction of Corrupted Images and Videos by Radial Basis Functions, ICCAIS 2013 Conf., IEEE, pp.267-271, ISBN: 978-1-4673-0813-7, 2013
DOI: 10.1109/ICCAIS.2013.6720566
[PDF Draft]

2.        Pan,R., Skala,V., Mueller,R: Globally Optimal Rotation Alignment of Spherical Surfaces with Associated Scalar Values, 3D Research, Vol.4, No.3, pp.1-7, ISSN 2092-6731, Springer, 2013
DOI: 10.1007/3DRes.03(2013)3
PDF Draft]

3.        Pan,R., Skala,V.: Normal Map Acquisition of Nearly Flat Objects Using a Flatbed Scanner, Int.Conf. on Virtual Reality and Visualization ICVRV 2013, ISBN 978-0-7695-5150-0, IEEE proceedings, pp.68-72, Xian, China, 2013
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V., Pan,R.J., Nedved,O.: Simple 3D Surface Reconstruction Using Flatbed Scanner and 3D Print - poster, ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013, ISBN 978-1-4503-2511, 2013
DOI: 10.1145/2542302.2542312
PDF Draft] [PDF-Poster]

5.        Skala,V.: Projective Geometry, Duality and Precision of Computation in Computer Graphics, Visualization and Games, Tutorial Eurographics 2013, Girona, 2013
DOI: 10.2312/conf/EG2013/tutorials/t7
PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V.: Modified Gaussian Elimination without Division Operations, ICNAAM 2013, Rhodos, Greece, AIP Conf.Proceedings, No.1558, pp.1936-1939, AIP Publishing, 2013
DOI: 10.1063/1.4825912
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V.: New Geometric Continuity Solution of Parametric Surfaces, ICNAAM 2013, Rhodos, Greece, AIP Conf.Proceedings No.1558, pp.2500-2503, AIP Publishing, 2013
DOI: 10.1063/1.4826048, arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2208.04729
PDF Draft]

8.        Skala,V.: Fast Oexpected(N) Algorithm for Finding Exact Maximum Distance in E2 Instead of O(N2) or O(N lgN), ICNAAM 2013, Rhodos, Greece, AIP Conf.Proceedings No.1558, pp.2496-2499, AIP Publishing, 2013
DOI: 10.1063/1.4826047, arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2208.04730
PDF Draft]

9.        Skala,V.: Line-Torus Intersection: Alternative Formulations, WSEAS Trans. on Computers, ISSN 2224-2872, Vol7., No.12, pp.288-297 (Scopus), 2013
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2301.03191
PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V.: Projective Rational Arithmetic with Floating Point,
CSIT2013 IEEE proceedings, ISBN 978-1-4673-5825-5, pp.260-263, Jordan, 2013
DOI: 10.1109/csit.2013.6588790
PDF Draft] [Slides]

11.     Skala,V., Ondracka,V.: BS-Patch: Constrained Bezier Parametric Patch,
WSEAS Trans.on Mathematics, E-ISSN 2224-2880, No.5, Vol.12, pp.598-607 (Scopus), 2013
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2212.11986
PDF Draft][PDF Draft]

12.     Skala,V.: Fast Interpolation and Approximation of Scattered Multidimensional and Dynamic Data Using Radial Basis Functions, WSEAS Trans.on Mathematics, E‑ISSN 2224-2880, No.5, Vol.12, pp.501-511, (Scopus), 2013
PDF Draft]

13.     Skala,V.: Robust Barycentric Computation of the Closest Point to a Hyperplane in En, AMCME 2013 Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods in Enginering, pp.239-244,ISBN 978-1-61804-200-2, Rhodos, Greece, 2013
PDF Draft]

14.     Skala,V.: New Torus Bounding for Line-Torus Intersection Computation, AMCME 2013 Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods in Engineering, pp.225-230, ISBN 978-1-61804-200-2, Rhodos, Greece, 2013
PDF Draft]

15.     Skala,V.: Analysis of Publishing Activities and “Publish or Perish” Strategy, Conference on Applied Economics, Business and Development – AEBD’13 proceedings, pp.499-506, Creete, Chania, 2013
PDF Draft]

16.     Skala,V.: Summation Problem Revisited: More Robust Computation, 17th International Conference on Computers – Recent Advances in Computer Science CSCC’13, pp. 56-64, ISBN 978-960-474-311-7, Rhodos, Greece, 2013
DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2211.04402
PDF Draft]

17.     Skala,V.: Projective Geometry and Duality for Graphics, Games and Visualization, Tutorial, AMCME 2013 Conference on Applied Mathematics and Computational Methods in Engineering, Rhodos, Greece, pp.24,
ISBN 978-1-61804-200-2, 2013
PDF Draft ]

18.     Skala,V.: Data Structures for Fast Information Retrieval, 17th International Conference on Computers CSCC’13, pp. 13, ISBN 978-960-474-311-7, Rhodos, Greece, 2013
PDF Draft]


--- 2012 ---


1.        Pan,R., Skala,V.: Surface Reconstruction with higher-order smoothness, The Visual Computer, on-line, Vol.28, No.2., pp.155-162, ISSN 0178-2789, Springer, IF=0,786, 2012
DOI: 10.1007/s00371-011-0604-9,
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: Geometry, Duality and Robust Computing in Engineering, WSEAS Trans.on Computers, Vol.11, No.9, ISSN 1109-2742, E-ISSN 2224-2872, pp.275-291 (Scopus), 2012
PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: Projective Geometry and Duality for Graphics, Games and Visualization - Course SIGGRAPH Asia 2012, Singapore, ISBN 978-1-4503-1757-3, 2012
DOI: 10.1145/2407783.2407793
PDF Draft] [Talk RECORD ZIP 159MB] – [Download,  decompress & run the html file]

4.        Skala,V.: S-Clip E2: A New Concept of Clipping Algorithms, Poster, SIGGRAPH Asia, ISBN 978-1-4503-1757-3, 2012, Singapore, 2012
DOI: 10.1145/2407156.2407200
PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V: Duality, Geometry and Precision, talk at Shandong University, Jinan, China, 2012
[See SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 talk]

6.        Skala, V: Duality, Geometry and Precision of Computation in Computer Graphics, talk at Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China, 2012
[See SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 talk]

7.        Skala,V.: Geometry, Duality  in Computer Graphics, talk at Normal University. (University of Education), Hangzhou, China, 2012

[See SIGGRAPH Asia 2012 talk]

8.        Skala,V.: Duality and Projective Computation in Engineering and Geometry, WSEAS REMOTE12 conference, invited PLENARY talk, 8th Advances in Remote Sensing, finite Differences and Information Security, ISBN 978-1-61804-127-2, pp.17, Prague, 2012

9.        Skala,V: CT and MRI Data Processing for Rapid Prototyping, 6th European Computing Conference – WSEAS ECC’12, Advances in Computer Science proceedings, ISBN 978-1-61804-126-5, pp.499-504, Prague, 2012
[PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V: Robust Computation in Geometry and Engineering, 5th WSEAS Conf. on Sensors and Signals – SenSig’12, invited PLENARY talk, pp.14, Malta, 2012

11.     Skala,V.: Rapid Prototyping and Volumetric Data Processing, 14th WSEAS Conf. on Mathematical & Computational Methods in Science and Engineering - MACMESE, invited PLENARY talk, Malta, pp.15, 2012

12.     Skala,V.: Data Interpolation and Transformation of Parametric Patches, WSEAS Visualization, Imaging and Simulation VIS’12, Malta, pp.175-181, 2012
[PDF Draft ]

13.     Skala,V.: Fast Information Retrieval for Textual and Geometrical Applications, invited PLENARY talk, 16th WSEAS Conf.on Computers ICCOMP’12, Kos, Greece, 2012

14.     Skala,V.: Duality and Robust Computation, 16th WSEAS Int.Conf. on Computers ICCOMP12, Kos, Greece, pp.172-117, 2012
PDF Draft]

15.     Skala,V.: Holography, Stereoscopy and 3D Blender, 16th WSEAS Int.Conf. on Computers ICCOMP12, Kos, Greece, pp.166-171, 2012
PDF Draft]

16.     Skala,V.: A Unified Approach for Textual and Geometrical Information Retrieval, 16th Conference on Computers ICCOMP12, Kos, Greece, pp.143-148, 2012
PDF Draft]

17.     Skala,V.: An Efficient Space Partitioning Method Using Binary Maps, 11th Conference SIP’2012 conference , pp.121-124, ISBN: 978-1-61804-081-7, St.Malo, WSEAS, France, 2012
PDF Draft]

18.     Skala,V.: Scattered Data Interpolation in N-Dimensional Space, 11th Conference SIP’2012 & Plenary talk, pp.137-142, ISBN: 978-1-61804-081-7, St.Malo, WSEAS, France, 2012
PDF Draft]

19.     Skala,V.: Robust Computation in Engineering, Geometry and Duality – TUTORIAL, 7th Int.Conf. on Systems, ICONS 2012, St. Gilles, Reunion Island, IARIA, 2012
PDF Draft]

20.     Skala,V.: Interpolation and Intersection Algorithms and GPU, ICONS 2012, Saint Gilles, Reunion Island, IARIA, ISBN: 978-1-61208-184-7, pp. 193-198, 2012
PDF Draft]

21.     Skala,V.: Radial Basis Functions for High Dimensional Visualization, VisGra - ICONS12, Saint Gilles, Reunion Island, IARIA, ISBN: 978-1-61208-184-7, pp. 218-222, 2012
PDF Draft]


--- 2011 ---


1.        Pan,R., Skala,V.: Continuous Global Optimization in Surface Reconstruction from an Oriented Point Cloud, Computer Aided Design, Vol.43, No.8, pp.896-901, Elsevier, ISSN 0010-4485, IF=1.667, 2011
DOI: 10.1016/j.cad.2011.03.005
PDF Draft]

2.        Pan,R., Skala,V.: A two level approach to implicit modeling with compactly supported radial basis functions, Engineering and Computers, Vol.27. No.3., pp.299-307, ISSN 0177-0667, IF=0.704, Springer, 2011
DOI 10.1007/s00366-010-0199-1
[PDF Draft]

3.        Váša,L., Skala,V.: A perception correlated comparison method for dynamic meshes, IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, ISSN  1077-2626, Vol.17, No.2, pp.220-230, IF=1.061, 2011
DOI: 10.1109/TVCG.2010.38
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: Incremental Radial Basis Function Computation for Neural Networks, WSEAS Transactions on Computers, Issue 11, Volume 10, pp. 367-378, ISSN 1109-2750, 2011
[PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V.: Geometric Computation, Duality and Projective Space, IW-LGK workshop proceedings, ISBN 978-3-86780-244-4, pp.105-111, Dresden University of Technology, 2011
PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V., Ondracka,V.: A Precision of Computation in the Projective Space,
Recent Researches in Computer Science, 15th WSEAS Int.Conference on Computers, pp.35-40, ISBN 978-1-61804-019-0, Corfu, Greece, 2011
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V: Algoritmy počítačové grafiky I – reedice
(Algorithms for Computer Graphics I - reedition)
PDF-OCR], ISBN 978-80-86943-19-0, Union Agency, Plzen, 2011

8.        Skala,V: Algoritmy počítačové grafiky II – reedice
(Algorithms for Computer Graphics II - reedition)
PDF-OCR], ISBN 978-80-86943-20-6, Union Agency, Plzen, 2011

9.        Skala,V: Algoritmy počítačové grafiky III – reedice
(Algorithms for Computer Graphics III - reedition)
PDF-OCR], ISBN 978-80-86943-21-3, Union Agency, Plzen, 2011

10.     Skala,V.: Algoritmy ořezávání – reedice
(Clipping Algorithms - reedition),
PDF-OCR],  ISBN 978-80-86943-22-0, Union Agency, Plzen, 2011


--- 2010 ---


1.        Váša,L., Skala,V.: Geometry driven local neighborhood based predictors for dynamic mesh compression, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.29,No.6, pp.1921-1933, ISSN 0167-7055, IF=1.894, 2010
DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.2010.01659.x
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V: Progressive RBF Interpolation, 7th Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa, Afrigraph 2010, pp.17-20, ACM, ISBN:978-1-4503-0118-3, 2010
DOI: 10.1145/1811158.1811161
[PDF Draft]

3.        Vasa,L., Skala,V.: Cobra: Compression of the basis for PCA Represented Animations, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.28, No.6, pp.1529-1540, ISSN 0167-7055, IF=1.860, 2010
[PDF Draft]

4.        Hanak,I., Janda,M., Skala,V.: Detail-driven digital hologram generation, The Visual Computer, Vol.26, No.2., pp.83-96, ISSN 0178-2789, IF=1.061, 2010
DOI: 10.1007/s00371-009-0378-5
[PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V., Ondracka,V.: S-Patch: Modification of the Hermite Parametric Patch, ICGG 2010 conference, pp.255-262, Kyoto, Japan, 2010
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2212.11875
[PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V.: Geometric Computation, Duality and Projective Space, ICGG 2010 conference, pp.363-364, Kyoto, Japan, 2010
[PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V., Hradek,J., Kuchar,M.: New Hash Function Construction for Textual and Geometrical Data Retrieval, Latest Trends on Computers, Vol.2, pp.483-489, ISBN 978-960-474-213-4, ISSN 1792-4251, CSCC conference, Corfu, Greece, 2010
[PDF Draft]

8.        Skala,V.: Radial Basis Functions: Interpolation and Applications- An Incremental Approach, Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Modeling - ASM 2010 conference, NAUN, Corfu, Greece, pp.209-213, ISSN 1792-4332, ISBN 978-960-474-210-3, 2010
[PDF Draft]

9.        Skala,V.: Duality and Intersection Computation in Projective Space with GPU support, Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Modeling - ASM 2010 conference, NAUN, Corfu, Greece, pp.66-71, ISSN 1792-4332, ISBN 978-960-474-210-3, 2010
[PDF Draft]

10.     Skala,V., Hradek,J., Kuchar,M.: New Hash Function Construction for Textual and Geometrical Data Retrieval, Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Modeling - ASM 2010 conference, NAUN, Corfu, Greece, pp.209-219, ISSN 1792-4332, ISBN 978-960-474-210-3, 2010.
[PDF Draft]

11.     Skala,V: Duality, barycentric coordinates and intersection computation in projective space with GPU support, WSEAS Trans.on Mathematics, ISSN 1109-2769, Vol.9.No.6.pp.407-416, (Scopus), 2010
[PDF Draft]


--- 2009 ---


1.        Vasa,L., Skala,V.: Combined Compression and Simplification of Dynamic 3D Meshes, The Journal of Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, John Wiley, Vol.20, No.4., pp.447-456, IF=0.953, ISSN 1546-4261, 2009
DOI: 10.1002/cav.227
[PDF Draft]

2.        Zapletal,J., Vanecek,P., Skala,V.: RBF-based Image Restoration Utilising Auxiliary Points, CGI 2009 proceedings, ACM ISBN 978-60558-687-8, pp.39-44, 2009
DOI: 10.1145/1629739.1629744
[PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V., Hradek,J.: Efficient Hash Function for Duplicate Elimination in Dictionaries, Algoritmy 2009 proceedings, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava, pp.382-391, ISBN 978-80-227-3032-7, 2009
[PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: Computation in Projective Space, MAMECTIS conference, La Laguna, Spain, WSEAS, pp.152-157, ISBN 978-960-474-094-9, 2009
[PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V.: Cross-Talk Measurement for 3D Displays, 3DTV 2009 IEEE proceedings, ISBN 978-1-4244-4318-5, pp.1-4, 2009
DOI: 10.1109/3DTV.2009.5069676
[PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V., Hradek,J., Kuchar,M.: Hash Function for Triangular Mesh Reconstruction, 13th International Conference on COMPUTERS, WSEAS, pp. 233-238, ISBN: 978-960-474-099-4, 2009
[PDF Draft]


--- 2008 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Barycentric Coordinates Computation in Homogeneous Coordinates, Computers & Graphics, Elsevier, ISSN 0097-8493, IF=0,787, Vol. 32, No.1, pp.120-127, 2008
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: Intersection Computation in Projective Space using Homogeneous Coordinates, Int.Journal on Image and Graphics, ISSN 0219-4678, Vol.8, No.4, pp.615-628, 2008
[PDF Draft]

3.        Petrik,S., Skala,V.: Space and Time Efficient Iso-surface Extraction, Computers and Graphics, ISSN 0097-8493, IF=0,787, Vol.30, No.6., pp.704-710, 2008
[PDF Draft]

4.        Zapletal,J., Vanecek,P., Skala,V.: Influence of essential parameters on the RBF based image reconstruction, SCCG conf.proceedings, Slovakia, ISBN 978-80-89186-30-3, pp.178-185, 2008
DOI: 10.1145/1921264.1921298
[PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V.: Mathematical Foundations for Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Tutorial Intuition 2008 conference, Torino, Italy, 2008
[PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V.: Mathematical Foundations for Computer Graphics and Computer Vision, Tutorial CGI 2008 conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2008
[PDF Draft]


--- 2007 ---


1.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Polygonisation of disjoint implicit surfaces by the adaptive edge spinning algorithm, Int.J.Computational Science and Engineering, ISSN 1742-7185, Vol.3, No.1, pp.45-52, 2007
[PDF Draft]

2.        Petrik,S., Skala,V.: Iso-contouring in Time Varying Meshes, SCCG 2007 conference, ISBN 978-80-223-2292-8, pp.216-223, 2007
DOI: 10.1145/2614348.2614373
[PDF Draft]

3.        Vasa,L., Skala,V.: CODDYAC: Connectivity Driven Dynamic Mesh Compression, 3DTV Conference proceedings, IEEE ISBN 978-1-4244-0722-4, Library of Congress: 2006934020, 2007
DOI: 10.1109/3DTV.2007.4379408
[PDF Draft]

4.        Hanak,I., Janda,M., Skala,V.: Full-Parallax Hologram Synthesis of Triangular Meshes Using a Graphical Processing Unit, 3DTV Conference proceedings, IEEE ISBN 978-1-4244-0722-4, Library of Congress: 2006934020, 2007
DOI: 10.1109/3DTV.2007.4379416
[PDF Draft]

5.        Janda,M., Hanak,I., Skala,V.: HPO Hologram Synthesis For Full-Parallax Reconstruction Setup, 3DTV Conference proceedings, IEEE ISBN 978-1-4244-0722-4, 2007
DOI: 10.1109/3DTV.2007.4379418
[PDF Draft]

6.        Pan,R.J., Skala,V.: Implicit surface modeling suitable for inside/outside tests with radial basis functions, 10th International Conference on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics ( CAD/Graphics 2007), IEEE Computer Society Proceedings, 10th conf.on Computer Aided Design and Computer Graphics, pp.28, 2007
DOI: 10.1109/CADCG.2007.4407842
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V.: Mathematical Foundations for Computer Graphics and Vision and Computations in Projective Spaces, Tutorial 3DTV conference, 2007
PDF Draft]

8.        Skala,V., Kaiser,J., Ondracka,V.: Library for Computation in the Projective Space, 6th Int.Conf. Aplimat, Bratislava, ISBN 978-80-969562-00-8, pp. 125-130, 2007
PDF Draft]

9.        Petrik,S., Skala,V.: Z-Diamonds: A Fast Iso-surface Extraction Algorithm for Dynamic Meshes, Proc. of the IADIS Computer Graphics and Visualization 2007, CGV 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 67-74, ISBN 978-972892439-3, 2007
[PDF Draft]


--- 2006 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Length, Area and Volume Computation in Homogeneous Coordinates, International Journal of Image and Graphics, Vol.6., No.4, pp.625-639, ISSN 0219-4678, 2006
DOI: 10.1142/S0219467806002422
[PDF Draft]

2.        Janda,M., Hanak,I., Skala,V.: Digital HPO Hologram Rendering Pipeline, in Fellener,D., Hansen,Ch. (Ed.) EG2006 short papers conf.proceedings, pp.81-84, ISSN 1017-4656, 2006
[PDF Draft]

3.        Sahillioglu,Y., Yemez,Y., Skala,V.: 3D Shape Recovery and Tracking from Multi-Camera Video Sequences via Surface Deformation, IEEE 14th Signal Processing and Communications Applications, 17-19, pp.1–4, 2006
DOI: 10.1109/SIU.2006.1659902
[PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: GPU Computation in Projective Space Using Homogeneous Coordinates, Game Programming GEMS 6 (Ed.Dickheiser,M.), pp.137-147,ISBN 1-58450-450-1, Charles River Media,
DOI: N/A, 2006
[PDF Draft]

5.        Franc,M., Skala,V.: Mesh simplification with respect to a model appearance, Proceedings Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG2006. Bratislava, Univerzita Komenského, pp.136-143. ISBN 80-223-2175-3, 2006
DOI: 10.1145/2602161.2602177
[PDF Draft]

6.        Janda,M, Hanak,I, Skala,V.: Scanline rendering of digital HPO holograms and hologram numerical reconstruction. In Proceedings Spring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG 2006. Bratislava: Univerzita Komenského, 2006. pp.66-73. ISBN 80-223-2175-3, 2006
DOI: 10.1145/2602161.2602169
[PDF Draft]

7.        Vasa,L., Skala,V.: A Spatio-Temporal Metric for Dynamic Mesh Comparison, AMDO2006 Conf.proceedings (Ed. Prales,F.J., Fischer,R.B.), Spain, Springer Verlag, pp.29-37, ISSN 0302-9743, 2006
DOI: 10.1007/11789239_4
PDF Draft]

8.        Uhlir,K., Skala,V.: Radial basis function use for the restoration of damaged images. In Computer vision and graphics - ICCVG 2004. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol.32, pp.839-844, ISSN 1381-6446, 2006
DOI: 10.1007/1-4020-4179-9_122
PDF Draft]

9.        Frank,M., Vasa,L., Skala,V.: Pipeline approach used for recognition of dynamic meshes, 3AI int.conf. Limoges, pp.219-224, ISBN 2-914256-08-6, France, 2006
PDF Draft]

10.     Frank,M., Vasa,L, Skala,V.: MVE-2 Applied in Education Process, Proceedings of .NET Technologies 2006, Pilsen, Czech Republic
[PDF Draft]

11.     Skala,V.: Mathematical Foundations of Computer Graphics, Computer Vision and Computation in Projective Space, Tutorial, AMDO 2006 Int.Conf., Spain, 2006
[PDF Draft]


--- 2005 ---


1.        Skala,V.: A new approach to line and line segment clipping in homogeneous coordinates, The Visual Computer, ISSN 0178-2789, Vol.21, No.11, pp.905-914, Springer Verlag, 2005
DOI: 10.1007/s00371-005-0305-3
[PDF Draft]

2.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces with Sharp Features by the Edge Spinning, The Visual Computer, Springer Verlag, Vol.21, No4., ISSN 0178-2789, pp.252-264, 2005
DOI: 10.1007/s00371-005-0286-2
[PDF Draft]

3.        Vasa, L.; Hanak, I., Skala, V.: Improved Super-Resolution Method and Its Acceleration, EUSIPCO 2005 conference proceedings, ISBN 978-160423821-1, Turkey, 2005, (Scopus)
[PDF Draft]

4.        Uhlir,K., Skala,V: Reconstruction of Damaged Images using Radial Basis  Functions, EUSIPCO 2005 conference proceedings, ISBN 975-00188-0-X, Turkey, 2005, (Scopus)
[PDF Draft]

5.        Vasa, L.; Skala, V.: Resolution Improvement of Digitized Images, Proceedings of Algoritmy Int.Conf., Slovakia, pp.270-279, ISBN 80-227-2192-1, 2005 (Scopus)
[PDF Draft]

6.        Kohout,J., Hlavaty,T., Kolingerova,I., Skala,V.: Feature Extraction of 2-Manifold Using Delaunay Triangulation, Proceedings of Algoritmy Int.Conf., Slovakia, pp.300-309, ISBN 80-227-2192-1, 2005
[PDF Draft]

7.        Vanecek,P., Svitak,R., Kolingerova,I., Skala,V.: Quadrilateral Meshes Stripification, Proceedings of Algoritmy Int.Conf., Slovakia, pp.300-308, ISBN 80-227-2192-1, 2005
[PDF Draft]

8.        Patera,J., Skala,V.: Centered Cubic Lattice Method Comparison,  Proceedings of Algoritmy Int.Conf., Slovakia, pp.270-279, ISBN 80-227-2192-1, 2005
[PDF Draft]


--- 2004 ---


1.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Edge spinning algorithm for implicit surfaces, Applied Numerical Mathematics, ISSN 0168-9274, Elsevier, Vol.49, No.3-4, pp.331-342, IF=0.919, 2004
DOI: 10.1016/j.apnum.2003.12.011
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: A New Line Clipping Algorithm with Hardware Acceleration, Computer Graphics International 2004 conference proceedings, IEEE, ISSN 1530-1052, pp. 270-273, 2004
DOI: 10.1109/CGI.2004.1309220
[PDF Draft]

3.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Curvature Dependent Polygonization by the Edge Spinning, ICCS 2004, pp. 325-334, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3045, Springer Verlag, 2004.
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-24767-8_34
[PDF Draft]

4.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Surface Curvature Estimation for Edge Spinning Algorithm, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, ISSN 3037, pp. 412-418, Springer Verlag, 2004
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-24687-9_52
[PDF Draft]

5.        Hlavaty,T., Skala,V.: Combinatorics and Triangulations. Computational Science and its Applications – ICCSA 2004, pp. 81-89, Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 3045, Springer Verlag, 2004
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-540-24767-8_9
PDF Draft]

6.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Adaptive Edge Spinning Algorithm for Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces, Computer Graphics International 2004 conference proceedings, IEEE, ISSN 1530-1052, 2004
PDF Draft]

7.        Patera,J., Skala,V.: A Comparison of Fundamental Methods for Iso-surface Extraction,  Machine Graphics and Vision, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol.13, No.4., pp.329-344, ISSN 1230-0535, 2004 (Scopus)
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2301.01715
PDF Draft] []

8.        Svitak,R., Skala,V.: A Robust Technique for Surface Reconstruction from Orthogonal Slices, Machine Graphics and Vision, Polish Academy of Sciences, Vol.13, No.3, pp.221-233, ISSN 1230-0535, 2004 (Scopus)
DOI: 10.48550/ARXIV.2301.01713
PDF Draft] [PDF online]

9.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Detection of sharp edges during polygonization of implicit surfaces, in proceedings of Geometria I grafika inzenierska, Univ.if Gliwice, ISSN 1427-9274, No.6, pp.5-8, 2004 (Scopus)

10.     Jirka,T., Skala,V.: Iso-surface vertex computation,  in proceedings of Geometria I grafika inzenierska, Univ.if Gliwice, ISSN 1427-9274, No.6, pp.27-32, 2004.

11.     Svitak,R., Skala,V.: Surface construction from orthogonal slices, in proceedings of Geometria I grafika inzenierska, Univ.if Gliwice, ISSN 1427-9274, No.6, pp.49-52, 2004.

12.     Uhlir,K., Skala,V.: Survey of methods for implicitazition of polygonal models, in proceedings of Geometria I grafika inzenierska, Univ.if Gliwice, ISSN 1427-9274, No.6, pp.61-70, 2004.

13.     Hlavaty,T., Skala,V.: A Topological Description of 2D Manifold Objects, EC&I 2004, 2004.

14.     Jirka,T., Skala,V.: Stress tensor field visualization, EC&I 2004, 2004.

15.     Sviták,R., Skala,V.: Robust Surface Reconstruction from Orthogonal Slices, Elect. Comp. and Informatics, 2004.

16.     Hanák,I., Skala,V.: OpenGL interface for .NET, Elect. Comp. and Informatics, Košice, VIENALA Press, pp.421-426, ISBN 80-8073-150-0, 2004.

17.     Uhlir,K., Patera,J., Skala,V.: Radial Basis Function method for iso-line extraction, Elect. Comp. and Informatics, pp.439-444, Košice, VIENALA Press, 2004.

18.     Emelyanov,A., Skala,V.: A Method for Reparing Triangulations, Graphicon 2004 Int.Conf., Moscow, pp.180-184, ISBN 5-317-011112-4,
DOI: N/A, 2004
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--- 2003 ---


1.        Hradek,J., Skala,V.: Hash Function and Triangular Mesh Reconstruction, Vol.29, No.6., pp.741-751, Computers and Geosciences, Pergamon Press, ISSN 0098-3004, 2003
DOI: 10.1016/S0098-3004(03)00037-2
[PDF Draft]

2.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Detection of Sharp Edges during Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces by the Edge Spinning, Szczyrk int.workshop, Poland, ISSN 1427-9274, pp.1-4, 2003

3.        Jirka,T., Skala,V.: Isosurface Vertex Normal Computation, Szczyrk int.workshop, Poland, ISSN 1427-9274, pp.27-32, 2003
[PDF Draft]

4.        Hanak,I., Frank,M., Skala,V.: OpenGL and VTK Interface for .NET, proceedings of C# and .NET Technologies’2003 Int.Workshop, ISBN 80-90301-3-6, UNION Agency – Science Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, pp.25-34, 2003
[PDF Draft]

5.        Uhlir,K., Skala,V.: Implicit Function Modelling System – Comparison of C++ and C# Solutions, proceedings of C# and .NET Technologies’2003 Int.Workshop, ISBN 80-90301-3-6, UNION Agency – Science Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, pp.87-92, 2003
[PDF Draft]

6.        Hlavaty,T., Skala,V.: A survey of methods for 3D model feature extraction. Seminar on Geometry and Graphics in Teaching Contemporary Engineering, 2003.
[PDF Draft]

7.        Smlsal,T., Skala,V.: Direct X in C#, proceedings of C# and .NET Technologies’2003 Int.Workshop, ISBN 80-90301-3-6, UNION Agency – Science Press, Plzen, Czech Republic, pp.71-78, 2003
[PDF Draft]


--- 2002 ---


1.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Polygonization by the Edge Spinning, Algoritmy 2002 Conf.proceedings, Univ.of Technology, Slovakia, ISBN 80-227-1750-9, pp.245-252, 2002
[PDF Draft]

2.        Franc,M., Skala,V.:  Fast Algorithm for Triangular Mesh Simplification Based on Vertex Decimation, CCGM2002 proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pp.42-51, ISSU 2330, Springer Verlag, ISSN 0302-9743, 2002
DOI: 10.1007/3-540-46080-2_5
[PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: Hash Function Use for Triangular Mesh Reconstruction, 2nd International Conference on Image and Graphics, SPIE , Vol.4875, pp.39-46, ISSN 0277-786X/02, 2002
DOI: 10.1117/12.477173

4.        Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Space Subdivision for Fast Polygonization of Implicit Surfaces, ECI2002, conference proceedings, Univ.of Kosice, Kosice, Slovakia, ISBN 80‑7099‑879‑2, pp.302-307, 2002
[PDF Draft]

5.        Emelyanov,A., Skala,V.: Surface Reconstruction from Problem Point Clouds, Graphicon 2002, Int.Conf.on Computer Graphics, conference proceedings, Nyznyj Novgorod, Russia, pp.31-37, 2002
[PDF Draft]

6.        Jirka,T., Skala,V.: Gradient Vector Estimation Using Quadratic Regression Function, ICCVG2002 Int.Conf., Poland, ISBN 839176830-9, pp.380-386, 2002.

7.        Skala,V.: Hash Function in Computer Graphics, (Ed.:Carling,E., Hast,A.), Univ.of Gavle, Sweden, Computer Graphics Seminar, Research & Development Committee No19, ISSN 1403-8757, pp.120-128, 2002
[PDF Draft]

8.        Emelyanov,A., Skala,V.: An Algorithm for Problem Point Clouds Processing, Virtual Environment on PC Cluster 2002, workshop proceedings, Protivno&St.Peterburg, ICPT, Russia, ISBN5-88835-011-7, pp.68‑75, 2002
[PDF Draft]

9.        Skala,V.: Modular Visualization Environment and Parallel Processing, MASCOT01 Workshop proceedings, (Ed.:Spitaleri,R.M., Pistella,F.), IMACS , ISSN 1098-870X, Vol.6, pp.129-136, 2002
[PDF Draft]

10.     Hlavaty,T., Skala,V.: The Brute Force Generator of Triangulations with Required Properties, ICCVG2002 Int.Conf., Poland, ISBN 839176830-9, pp.325-336, 2002.

11.     Cermak,M., Skala,V.: Accelerated Edge Spinning Algorithm for Implicit Surfaces, ICCVG2002 Int.Conf., Poland, ISBN 839176830-9, pp.174-179, 2002.

12.     Svitak,R., Skala,V.: Surface Reconstruction from Orthogonal Slices, ICCVG2002 Int.Conf., Poland, ISBN 839176830-9, pp.742-747, 2002.
[PDF Draft]

13.     Skala,V: Non-linear Coordinates and their Application in Computer Graphics, ECIC 2002 Conference, Slovakia, 2002
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--- 2001 ---


1.        Skala,V., Bui,D.H.: Extension of the Nicholls – Lee – Nichols Algorithm to Three Dimensions, The Visual Computer, Springer Verlag, ISSN 0178-2789, Vol. 17, pp.236 – 242, 2001
DOI: 10.1007/s003710000094
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V., Kuchar,M.: The Hash Function and the Principle of Duality, Computer Graphics International 2001, Honk Kong, China, IEEE Proceedings, ISSN 1530-1052, pp.167-174, 2001
DOI: 10.1109/CGI.2001.934671
[PDF Draft]

3.        Franc,M., Skala,V.: Parallel Triangular Mesh Decimation Without Sorting, SCCG IEEE proceedings,  ISBN 0-7695-1215-1, pp.22-29, 2001
DOI: 10.1109/SCCG.2001.945333
[PDF Draft]

4.        Franc,M., Skala,V.: Parallel Triangular Mesh Decimation Without Sorting, SCCG proceedings, Budmerice, ISBN 80 223 1606-7, pp.69-75, 2001
DOI: 10.1109/SCCG.2001.945333
[PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V., Kuchar,M., Hradek,J.: Geometry Reconstruction in Rapid Prototyping with Hash Function, International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging CGIM2001, Honolulu, USA, ISBN 0-88986-303-2, pp.240-245, 2001

6.        Skala,V.: Spatial Perception in Visualization, VE on PC 2001 Proceedings, Protivno, Russia, ISBN 5‑88835‑032‑X, pp.32-38, 2001
[PDF Draft]

7.        Emelyanov,A., Skala,V.: A collision detection algorithm for physically-based virtual environments, VE on PC 2001 Proceedings, Protivno, Russia, ISBN 5‑88835‑032‑X, pp.122-126, 2001
[PDF Draft N/A]

8.        Skala,V.: Visualization and Spatial Perception, Graphicon 2001 Proceedings, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, ISBN 5‑85746-623-7, pp. 245-251, 2001
[PDF Draft]


--- 2000 ---


1.        Skala,V., Bui,D.H.: Faster Algorithm for Line Clipping against a Pyramid in E3, Machine GRAPHICS & VISION, Poland Academy of Sciences, Vol. 9, No. 4, 2000, pp. 841-850, ISSN 1230-0535, 2000.
arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2201.00587
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V., Huy,B.D.: Two New Algorithms for Line Clipping in E2 and their Comparison, Machine Graphics & Vision, Vol. 9, no. 1/2, pp. 297-306, 2000
DOI: N/A, arXiv DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2201.00590
[PDF Draft]

3.        Franc,M., Skala,V.: Triangular Mesh Decimation in Parallel Environment, EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Computer Graphics and Visualization 2001, Girona, Spain, pp.39-52, ISBN 84-8458-025-3, 2000.
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V., Brusi,A.: Two Methods for Iso-Surface Extraction from Volumetric Data and Their Comparison, Machine Graphics&Vision, No.1/2, Vol.9, pp.149-166, Poland Academy of Sciences, Poland, ISSN 1230-0535, 2000.
arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2201.03446

5.        Skala,V., Kuchar,M.: Hash Function for Geometry Reconstruction in Rapid Prototyping, Algoritmy’2000 Int.Conf., Slovakia, pp.379-387, ISBN 80-227-1391-0, 2000.
[PDF Draft]

6.        Dobry,J., Skala,V.: Sign Language Interpreter, ECI’2000 Int.Conf., Herlany, Slovak Republic, pp.238-244, ISBN 80-88922-25-9, 2000.

7.        Rousal,M., Skala,V.: Modular Visualization Environment – MVE, ECI’2000 Int.Conf., Herlany, Slovak Republic, pp.245-250, ISBN 80-88922-25-9, 2000.

8.        Franc,M., Skala,V.: Parallel Triangular Mesh Reduction, Algoritmy’2000 Int.Conf., Sovakia, pp.357-367, ISBN 80-227-1391-0, 2000.
[PDF Draft]

9.        Krejza,M., Skala,V.: Iso-surface Extraction and Visualization in Modular Environment System, Computational Geometry Workshop Proceedings, Kocovce, STU Bratislava, Slovakia, ISBN 80-227-14587-7, pp.68-75, 2000

10.     Skala,V.: Precission of Iso-Surface Extraction from Volume Data and Visualization, Algoritmy'2000 Int.Conf., Slovakia, pp.368-378, ISBN 80-227-1391-0, 2000.
[PDF Draft]

11.     Franc,M., Skala,V.: Parallel Triangular Mesh Decimation, SCCG'2000 Int.Conf.Int.Conf. proceedings, Budmerice, Slovak Republic, pp.164-171, ISBN 80-223-1486-2, 2000.

12.     Skala,V.: Algorithms Complexity and Non-Linear Co-ordinates: Theoretical Fiction or Practical Use? in Automation and Information Technology in Manufacturing (AIM 2000) proceedings, Tula, TSU University Press, p.93-96, ISBN 5-7679-0256-9, 2000 .


--- 1999 ---


1.        Bui,D.H., Skala,V.: New Fast Line Clipping Algorithm in E2 with O(lg N) Complexity, SCCG'99 Int.Conf. Proceedings, Budmerice, Slovak Republic, pp.221-228, 1999.

2.        Skala,V., Bui,D.H.: Two New Algorithms for Line Clipping in E2 and Their Comparison, TR No.108/99, Univ.of West Bohemia, Plzen, 1999

3.        Bui,D.H., Skala,V.: Algorithms Complexity and Its Decrement, CE&I'99 International Conference proceedings, Kosice, Slovakia, 1999.

4.        Skala,V.: Non-orthogonal Co-ordinates in Computer Graphics, Graphicon' 99 Int. Conf. Proceedings, Moscow, Russia, pp.45-50, 1999
[PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V.: Non-orthogonal Co-ordinates and Their Application in Computer Graphics CE&I'99 International Conference proceedings, Kosice, Slovakia, s. 212-217, 1999


--- 1998 ---


1.        Bui,D.H., Skala,V.: Fast Algorithms for Line Segment and Line Segment Clipping in E2, The Visual Computer, No.1, Vol.14, Springer Verlag, pp. 31-37, ISSN 0178-2789, 1998
DOI: 10.1007/s003710050121
[PDF Draft]

2.        Bui,D.H., Skala,V.: Line Clipping algorithms in E2, Proceedings SCCG'98, Slovak Technical University, Bratislava, pp.52 - 57, 1998.

3.        Kolingerova,I., Skala,V.: Delaunay Triangularization in Linear expected Time, SCCG Proceedings SCG'98, Slovak Technical University Bratislava, pp.79 - 84, 1998.



--- 1997 ---


1.        Skala,V.: A Fast Algorithm for Line Clipping by Convex Polyhedron in E3, Computers & Graphics, Pergamon Press, Vol.21, No.2, pp.209-214, 1997
DOI: 10.1016/s0097-8493(96)00084-2
[PDF Draft]

2.        Baxa,P., Skala,V., Moucek,R.: An Error Estimation for Isosurfaces, Proceedings of EDU+COMPUGRAPHICS'97, [ed] Harold P. Santo, Algarve, Portugal, pp. 202-211, Graphic Science Promotions and Publications, 1997.
[PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: Algorithms Complexity and Line Clipping Problem Solutions, invited talk, EDU+COMPUGRAPHICS'97 Proceedings, [ed] Harold P. Santo, Algarve, Portugal, pp.30-34, Graphic Science Promotions and Publications. 1997.
[PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: Line Clipping Algorithm Complexity in E2 and E3 , invited talk, SCCG Int.Conf., Bratislava, 1997.
[PDF Draft]

5.        Bui,D.H., Skala,V.: Fast Algorithms for Line Segment and Line Clipping in E2 , SSCG'97 Int.Conf., Bratislava, 1997.
[PDF Draft]


--- 1996 ---


1.        Skala,V.: An Efficient Algorithm for Line Clipping by Convex and Non-Convex Polyhedra in E3, Computer Graphics Forum, Vol.15, No.1, pp.61-68, 1996
DOI: 10.1111/1467-8659.1510061
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: Line Clipping in E2 with O(1) Processing Complexity, Computers & Graphics, Vol.20, No.4, pp.523-530, ISSN 0097-8493, 1996
DOI: 10.1016/0097-8493(96)00024-6
[PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: Line Clipping in E3 with Expected Complexity O(1), Machine Graphics and Vision, Poland Academy of Sciences, Vol.5, No.4, pp.551-562, ISSN 1230-0535, 1996
arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2201.00592
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: Trading Time for Space: An O(1) Average time Algorithm for Point-in-Polygon Location Problem. Theoretical Fiction or Practical Usage? Machine Graphics and Vision, Vol.5., No.3., pp. 483-494, ISSN 1230-0535, 1996.
PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V., Lederbuch,P., Sup,B.: A Comparison of O(1) and Cyrus-Beck Line Clipping Algorithm in E2 and E3, SCCG96 Conference proceedings, Comenius Univ.Bratislava, Slovak Republic, pp.27-44, 1996.
arXiv DOI:10.48550/arXiv.2111.07987
PDF Draft]

6.        Skala,V., Lederbuch,P.: A Comparison of a New O(1) and the Cyrus-Beck Line Clipping Algorithms in E2, COMPUGRAPHICS 96 Int.Conf., Paris, 1996


--- 1995 ---


1.        Skala,V., Kolingerova,I., Blaha,P.: A Comparison of 2D Line Clipping Algorithms, Machine Graphics and Vision, Vol.3,No.4, pp.625-633, ISSN 1230-0535,  1995.
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: Algorithms with Structural Complexity Lower than Optimal (in Czech) , Int. Conference Algorithms’95, Nizke Tatry, Slovak Republic, pp.221-226, 1995.

3.        Blaha,P., Skala,V.: Ray Tracing Algorithm Speed up using Space Subdivision Method and by Parallelization (in Czech), Int. Conference Algorithms’95, Nizke Tatry, Slovak Republic, pp.16-21, 1995.
PDF Draft]


--- 1994 ---


1.        Skala,V.: O(lg N) Line Clipping Algorithm in E2, Computers & Graphics, Pergamon Press, Vol.18, No.4, pp.517-524, ISSN 0097-8493, 1994
DOI: 10.1016/0097-8493(94)90064-7
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: An Efficient Algorithm for Line Clipping by Convex and Non-covex Polyhedrons in E3, Preprint No.64, Univ. of West Bohemia, Plzeň, 1994.
PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: An Algorithm for Line Clipping by Convex Polyhedron in E3 with O(N1/2) Complexity, Preprint No.67, Univ. of West Bohemia, Plzeň, 1994.
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: Point in Polygon Algorithm with O(1) Complexity, Preprint No.68, Univ. of West Bohemia, Plzeň, 1994.
PDF Draft]

5.        Skala,V.: O(lgN) Line Clipping Algorithm in E2, WSCG´94 international conference proceedings, pp.174‑191, 1994.


--- 1993 ---


1.        Skala,V.: An Efficient Algorithm for Line Clipping by Convex Polygon, Computers & Graphics, Pergamon Press, Vol.17, No.4, pp.417-421, ISSN 0097-8493, 1993
DOI: 10.1016/0097-8493(93)90030-D
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: Memory Saving Technique for Space Subdivision Technique, Machine Graphics and Vision, Vol.2, No.3, pp.237-250, ISSN 1230-0535, 1993.

3.        Skala,V.: Světlo, barvy a barevné systémy v počítačové grafice, kniha, Academia, Praha, pp.120, 1993.

4.        Skala,V.: An Efficient Algorithm for Line Clipping, Computer Graphics'93 Conference Proceedings, Bratislava, 1993.

5.        Skala,V.: Algoritmus ořezávání přímky v E2 konvexním n-úhelníkem, mezinárodní konference Algoritmy'93, pp.201-206, Vysoké Tatry, 1993.

6.        Skala,V.: Barevné systémy a jejich aplikace v počítačové grafice, mezinárodní konference Algoritmy'93, pp.214-219, Vysoké Tatry, 1993.

7.        Skala,V.: Algoritmus sledování paprsku a jeho složitost, mezinárodní konference Algoritmy'93, pp.207-213, Vysoké Tatry, 1993.

8.        Skala,V.: An Efficient Algorithm for Line Clipping by Convex Polygon, Preprint No.38, Univ.of West Bohemia, Plzeň 1993.

9.        Skala,V.: O(lg N) Line Clipping Algorithm, Preprint No.44, Univ.of West Bohemia, Plzeň, 1993.

10.     Skala,V.: Computer Graphics Education and Research in Former Czechoslovakia, International conference proceedings EDU + COMPUGRAPHICS'93, Lisboa, Portugal, 1993.

11.     Fellner,D., Santo,H.P., Skala,V.: TUTORIAL - Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics, One day tutorial International conference EDU + COMPUGRAPHICS'93, Lisboa, Portugal, 1993.

12.     Skala,V: Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics - Point in Polygon and Line Clipping Algorithms, Computer Colloquial Notes, Univ. of Erlangen, 1993.

13.     Skala,V: Space Subdivision Method Modification Using Binary Maps, Computer Graphics Colloquium Notes, Univ. of Bristol, 1993.

14.     Skala,V: New Approaches to Line Clipping Algorithms to Ray Tracing, ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop, Technical Univ. of Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 1993.

15.     Skala,V: Advanced Line Clipping Algorithms for Computer Graphics, Lecture Notes, Univ. of Bristol, Bristol, U.K., 1993.

16.     Skala,V: Line Clipping Algorithms in E2 and E3, Computer Graphics Workshop Notes, Univ. de Montfort, Milton Kenyes, U.K., 1993.

17.     Kolingerova,I., Skala,V., Krutisova,J.: Použití počítačové grafiky při výuce algoritmizace (Use of computer graphics in teaching algorithmization),
Algoritmy 93 conference, pp. 146-152, Slovakia, 1993


--- 1992 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Algoritmy počítačové grafiky I, skripta ZČU, Plzeň, pp.117, 1992.

2.        Skala,V.:  Algoritmy počítačové grafiky II, skripta ZČU, Plzeň,  pp.167, 1992.

3.        Skala,V.:  Algoritmy počítačové grafiky III, skripta ZČU, Plzeň, pp.133, 1992.

4.        Skala,V.: Barevné systémy a jejich aplikace v počítačové grafice, v  Zimní škola počítačové grafiky a CAD systémů, mezinárodní seminář WSCG´92, ZČU, pp.116-121, 1992.


--- 1991 ---


1.        Kolingerová,I.,  Skala,V.: Metody půltónování a jejich srovnání, mezinárodní konference Algoritmy'91, Vysoké Tatry, 1991.

2.        Skala,V.: Generalized Clipping Algorithms (In Czech: Algoritmy zobecněného ořezávání),
International conference Algoritmy'91, Vysoké Tatry, 1991.
PDF Draft]


--- 1990 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Algorithms for Clipping Quadratic Arcs, Computer Graphics International'90, pp.255-268, 1990
DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-68123-6_16
PDF Draft] [on-line]

2.        Skala,V.: General Conics Clipping - Problem Solution, YUGRAPH'90, Dubrovnik, Automatika(Yugoslavia),
ISSN 0005-1144, pp.25-29, June 20-22, 1990.
PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.:  Počítačová grafika - Algoritmy ořezávání, habilitační práce, ZČU, Plzeň, 1990

4.        Skala,V.: Počítačová grafika I, skripta VŠSE, Plzeň, pp. 146, 1990.

5.        Skala,V.: Počítačová grafika II, skripta VŠSE, Plzeň, pp.142, 1990.


--- 1989 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Algorithms for 2D Line Clipping, in New Advances in Computer Graphics, (Ed.R.A.Earnshaw,B.Wyvill) Proceedings of Computer Graphics International'89, Springer Verlag, pp.121-128, 1989
DOI: 10.1007/978-4-431-68093-2_7
[PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: Algorithms for 2D Line Clipping, in EUROGRAPHICS'89 Proceedings (Ed.W.Hansmann, F.R.A.Hopgood, W.Strasser), North Holland, ISBN 0-444-8813-5, pp.355-366, 1989
DOI: 10.2312/egtp.19891026
PDF Draft]

3.        Skala,V.: Hidden-Line, Hidden-Surface and Hidden-Contouring Problem Solutions by the Modified Bresenham's Algorithm, Int.Conf. Algoritmy'89, pp. 280-288, Vysoké Tatry 1989.
PDF Draft]

4.        Skala,V.: A Unifying Approach to the Line Clipping Problem Solution, SIAM Conference on Geometric Design, TEMPE AZ, USA, 1989.

5.        Skala,V.: A Unifying Approach to the Line Clipping Problem Solution, TR 209-5-89, pp.1-16, 1989.

6.        Skala,V.: A Unifying Approach to the Line Clipping Problem Solution, BISYCP'89, Beijing, 1989.
PDF Draft]

7.        Skala,V.: Hidden-Line, Hidden-Surface Problem Solutions by the modified Bresenham's Algorithm, 4-th Conference on Computer Graphics'89, Smolenice, Czechoslovakia.

8.        Skala,V.: A Unifying Approach to the Visibility Solution, Iranian Journal of Technology, 1989


--- 1988 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Filling and Hatching Operations for Non-Convex Areas with Conic Edges for the Raster Environment, ACM-SIGGRAPH Workshop Lisboa Local Group, Lisboa, Portugal, 1988.

2.        Skala,V.: Algorithms for 2D Line Clipping, ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop Lisboa Local Group, Lisboa, Portugal, 1988.

3.        Skala,V.: An Interesting Modification to the Bresenham Algorithm, ACM SIGGRAPH Workshop Lisboa Local Group, Portugal, 1988.

4.        Skala,V.: Základní grafiká instrukce pro kreslení ploch s respektováním viditelnosti, Microsystem'88, Mezinárodní konference, Bratislava, 1988.


--- 1987 ---


1.        Skala,V.: An Intersecting Modification to the Bresenham Algorithm, Computer Graphics Forum, North Holland Comp., Vol.6., No.4, pp.343-347, 1987
DOI: 10.1111/j.1467-8659.1987.tb00563.x
PDF Draft]

2.        Skala,V.: Hidden-Line, Hidden-Surface and Hidden-Contouring Problem Solutions by the modified Bresenham's Algorithm, NATO ASI, Springer Verlag, 1987.

3.        Skala,V.: Hidden-Line, Hidden-Surface, Hidden-Contouring Problem. Problem Solutions by the Modified Bresenham's Algorithm, Electronic Displays'87, London, 1987.


--- 1986 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Amstrad Interactive Cross-Referencing, časopis Personal Computer World, England, May 1986


--- 1985 ---


1.        Skala,V.: An Interesting Modification to the Bresenham Algorithm for Hidden-Line solution, NATO ASI 1985, in Fundamental Algorithms for Computer Graphics, NATO Advanced Study Institute (Ed. R.A.E.Earnshaw), Vol.17, pp.593-602, Springer Verlag, ISBN 9783540543978, 1985
DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-84574-1_24

2.        Skala,V.: Hidden Line Solution by the Bresenham Algorithm, Proceedings of the First National Conference on Computer Applications, pp.252-261, Feb.28-Mar.1, Lagos, Nigeria1985.
(ref: Computer Graphics, Vol.21, no.3., June 1987/205,
(DOI: 10.1145/378174.378176)

3.        Skala,V:  Respecting visibility - basic graphic instruction (In Czech:Respektování viditelnosti - základní grafická instrukce),
Symposium on Algorithms 85, SVTS Bratislava, 1985
PDF Draft]


--- 1984 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Hidden Line Processor, CSTR 209-03-84, Computer Sci.Dept, Technical Univ., Plzeň, 1984.


--- 1983 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Programming Language ML/1 (in Czech), Symposium on Algorithms 83, SVTS Bratislava, 1983

2.        Skala,V: Procedures for bit matrices (in Czech), Symposium on Algorithms 83, SVTS Bratislava, 1983

3.        Skala,V: Programming Language PL/M (in Czech) , Moderní programování - MOP, MFF UK, Praha 1983

4.        Skala,V: Programming Language PL/M-80 (in Czech), Výběr informací z organizační a výpočetní techniky, 1983


--- 1982 ---


1.        Skala,V: Two Simple Algorithms for decoding Values of Hollerith Type in FORTRAN IV, (in Czech), Výběr informací z organizační a výpočetní techniky, č.2, 1982


--- 1981 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Makra a MD-logika pro převod makrogenerátoru ML/1 na pořítač ODRA 1204, Editace programů v Algolu 60 a Algolu 68 pomocí ML/1, Symposium on Algorithms 81, SVTS Bratislava, 1981


--- 1979 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Editace programů v Algolu 60 a Algolu 68 pomocí ML/1, The 5-th Symposium on Algorithms 79, SVTS Bratislava 1979


--- 1978 ---


1.        Skala,V.: Contribution to the relation implementation in the relational databasis (in Czech), PhD Thesis - Příspěvek k filosofii implementace relace v relační bázi dat, kandidátská disertační práce, Plzeň, 1978

2.        Skala,V.: Zobrazování funkcí dvou proměnných pomocí počítače, SNTL, časopis Automatizace č.1, 1978

3.        Skala,V., Hlavnička,H.: Kreslení vývojových diagramů počítačem, SNTL, časopis Automatizace č.3, 1978

4.        Skala,V., Hlavnička,H.: Kreslení vývojových diagramů počítačem II, SNTL, časopis Automatizace č.7, 1978

5.        Skala,V.: Implementace relační banky dat, seminář Databanka 78, Ustí n.Labem, ČSVTS 1978





1.        Skala,V., Tesař,R.: Zařízení pro indikaci rozdílu žádaného a skutečného fázového posuvu, Autorské osvědčení, No.251399, 1989.
PDF] [BibTex]

2.        Skala,V., Tesař,R., Zdráhal,K.: Zařízení pro měření účiníku, Autorské osvědčení, No.239283, 1987.
PDF] [BibTex]



 Zlepšovací návrh – prototyp, metodika, průmyslové vzory


1.        Skala,V.: Měření účiníku základní harmonické pomocí logických prvků, 162/60/81, ETD ŠKODA, Plzeň, 1981

2.        Skala,V.: Pedagogická pomůcka pro výuku puškového větroměru VR-2, VU 6292 Opava, 1979

3.        Skala,V.: Pedagogická pomůcka pro výuku pancéřovky a tarasnice, VU 6292 Opava, 1980

4.        Skala,V.: Pedagogická pomůcka pro výuku ručních zbraní, VU 6292 Opava, 1980

5.        Skala,V.: Pedagogická 14,5 KPVT, VU 6292 Opava, 1980

6.        Skala,V.: Obrazová pomůcka pro výuku PKT 7,62 mm, VU 6292 Opava, 1980


Další publikace jsou uvedeny v podkladech k jmenovacímu řízení profesorem pro obor Informatika a výpočetní technika, Západočeska univerzita, 1995.


·             35 výzkumných zpráv, které byly součástí oponovaných statních výzkumných úkolů

·             8 publikací ze seminárů - ČSVTS, Sdružení uživatelů počítačů apod.

·             3 učební texty - VŠSE. Plzeň